Image of a mockup of the Adopt, Don’t Shop website on a desktop, tablet, and mobile phone screen size, optimized for each
Adopt, Don’t Shop responsive website mockup, 2023
Image of the Adopt, Don’t Shop social awareness website style guide, including the logo, favicon, and color palette

Adopt, Don’t Shop style guide, 2023, 6.875x2.875 inches

Image of the home/index page of the Adopt, Don’t Shop social awareness website, with a hero image featuring overlay text of their mission statement, the movement’s origins, their present-day actions, information on what users can do for the organization, and a contact form

Adopt, Don’t Shop — Index, 2023, 2560x10180 pixels

Image of the inner page of the Adopt, Don’t Shop social awareness website, talking about the campaign’s main goals, laws and provisions, and supporting statistics

Adopt, Don’t Shop ­­— Inner Page, 2023, 2560x11837 pixels

Image of the wireframe sketch of the home/index page of the Adopt, Don’t Shop social awareness website

Adopt, Don’t Shop ­­— Index wireframe sketch, 2023

Image of the wireframe sketch of the inner page of the Adopt, Don’t Shop social awareness website

Adopt, Don’t Shop — Inner Page wireframe sketch, 2023

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