Image of Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings color logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings color logo redesign, 2023

Image of Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings black and white logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings black and white logo redesign, 2023

Picture of Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings style guide

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings style guide, 2023, 11x8.5 inches

Mock-up of various stationery items featuring Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign and stationery concepts, 2023

Mock-up of a pizza box featuring Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign and pizza box concept, 2023

Image of a menu mockup featuring Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign and menu concept, 2023, 17x11 inches

Image of a landing page prototype featuring Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign and landing page concept, 2024, 1440x3664 pixels

 Image of a print advertisement concept featuring Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings logo redesign and advertisement concept, 2023, 8.5x11 inches

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo animation, 2024

Picture of Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings brand moodboard, showcasing the brand’s main color palette and images that blend the 1980s with contemporary design elements

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings brand moodboard, 2023, 10x10 inches

 Image of the first manual sketch of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings manual logo sketch 1, 2023

Image of the second manual sketch of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings manual logo sketch 2, 2023

Image of the third manual sketch of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings manual logo sketch 3. 2023

Image of the fourth manual sketch of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings manual logo sketch 4, 2023

Image of the digital sketch of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings digital logo sketch, 2023

 Image of the first logo iteration of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo iteration 1, 2023

Image of the second logo iteration of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Image of the second logo iteration of the Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings logo

Original logo for Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings

Junior's Pizza, Subs & Wings original logo

Image of Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings color logo redesign

Junior’s Pizza, Subs & Wings color logo redesign, 2023

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