Image of the Chroma Chameleon Package Design on display in the arts and crafts section of an art supply store

Chroma Chameleon Package Design glamour shot, 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

Image of the front of the Chroma Chameleon package design, with the logo, logotype, product name, and supporting graphic, with a magenta pencil sharpener and a Chroma Chameleon pencil changed to green

Chroma Chameleon Package Design front with included materials, 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

Image of the front of the Chroma Chameleon package design, with the logo, logotype, product name, and supporting graphic

Chroma Chameleon Package Design front, 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

Image of the back of the Chroma Chameleon package design featuring how the product works and how the user will use it, along with supporting graphic

Chroma Chameleon Package Design back 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

Image of the bottom of the Chroma Chameleon package design, featuring manufacturing logos, barcode, brand promise, and warning modals

Chroma Chameleon Package Design bottom, 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

Image of the side of the Chroma Chameleon package design, focusing on a close-up of the green-blue-magenta gradient version of the brand logo

Chroma Chameleon Package Design logo detail, 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

Image of a ¾ view of the Chroma Chameleon package design, with the slider inside

Chroma Chameleon Package Design ¾ view (closed), 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

 Image of a ¾ view of the Chroma Chameleon package design, with the slider opened halfway, showcasing the vibrant gradient

Chroma Chameleon Package Design ¾ view (open), 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches

Image of the outside covering and the slider of the Chroma Chameleon package design, with a magenta pencil sharpener and a Chroma Chameleon pencil changed to green inside the slider

Chroma Chameleon Package Design slider and exterior side-by-side, 2023, 7.375 x 1.875 x 2 inches


Chroma Chameleon Package Design Process Book, 2023, 11x8.5 inches

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