Mock-up of multiple iPhone screens showcasing screens from Bon Appetit application design

Bon Appetit application design screens, 2022

 Image of Bon Appetit application in-depth style guide, showing fonts, buttons, icons, elements, and color palette

Bon Appetit application style guide, 2022, 39x29 inches

Mock-up of a laptop featuring the top of the Bon Appetit application promotion landing page and an iPhone mockup featuring the startup screen of the Bon Appetit application

Bon Appetit application landing page and startup screen, 2022

Image of the Bon Appetit application icon as it would appear on the home screen of an iPhone

Bon Appetit application icon, 2022

Picture of Bon Appetit application user flow scenario, where Alex wants to find a high-end Italian restaurant to propose to his girlfriend at, then make a reservation, then go later

Bon Appetit application user scenario flow, 2022, 1980x3747 pixels

Image of Bon Appetit application promotion landing page

Bon Appetit application promotion landing page, 2022, 1440x3956 pixels

low-fidelity wireframes
Image of Bon Appetit application low-fidelity manual wireframes

Bon Appetit application low-fidelity wireframes, 2022

Application icon concepts
Image of first Bon Appetit application icon concept, with a fork and knife forming an “A” and a location pin symbol in the center

Bon Appetit application icon concept #1, 2022

Image of second Bon Appetit application icon concept, featuring the app logotype

Bon Appetit application icon concept #2, 2022

Image of third Bon Appetit application icon concept, featuring a monogram of “BA”

Bon Appetit application icon concept #3, 2022

Image of fourth Bon Appetit application icon concept featuring a monogram of “BA”

Bon Appetit application icon concept #4, 2022

Image of fifth Bon Appetit application icon concept, with an Eiffel tower substituting the pit of an avocado

Bon Appetit application icon concept #5, 2022

Image of sixth Bon Appetit application icon concept, with a location pin substituting the pit of an avocado

Bon Appetit application icon concept #6, 2022

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