Image of a data visualization poster of 100 personal Pokémon team members

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster, 2024, 50 x 36 inches

Detail image of the middle of the formed Pokéball of a data visualization poster of 100 personal Pokémon team members, showing each Pokémon’s name and icons representing the region of discovery, catch rate, and evolution stages

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster Middle Icons Detail Shot, 2024

Detail image of the key of a data visualization poster of 100 personal Pokémon team members

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster Key Detail Shot, 2024

data spreadsheet
Image of the data spreadsheet used for a Pokémon data visualization poster

Pokémon Data Visualization Spreadsheet, 2024

Image of the first two layout sketches of the Pokémon data visualization poster

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster Layout Sketches 1–2, 2024

Image of the third and fourth layout sketches of the Pokémon data visualization poster

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster Layout Sketches 3–4, 2024

Image of the fifth layout sketch of the Pokémon data visualization poster

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster Layout Sketch 5, 2024

Image of the refined layout sketch of the Pokémon data visualization poster

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster Refined Layout Sketch, 2024

Image of the first iteration of the Pokémon data visualization poster

Pokémon Data Visualization Poster Iteration #1, 2024, 50 x 36 inches

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